Saturday, May 18 - Season Open Celebrations - coffee social meet & greet
Sunday, June 29 - Canada Day Children's Parade, Site Decorating, Potluck Dinner
Sunday July 6 - Fishing Derby (Entry fee - prizes)
Saturday, July 26 - Christmas in July celebration
Sunday, August 3 - To Be Announced
Saturday, August 23 - Annual Ribfest (ticket event)
Saturday, August 30 - Horseshoe and Bocci Tournament
Saturday, September 20 or 27 - Date to be confirmed in July
Contact Booth Landing Camping & Cottages for more details.
Mattawa’s Voyageur Days Fesitval -- last weekend in July - 1/2 hr away - www.voyageurdays.com
Powassan’s Fall Fair -- Labour Day Weekend --15 minutes away
Smoke N’ Spurs, Mattawa – 15 minutes away – Labour Day Weekend www.smokenspurs.yolasite.com
For more information about attractions and festivals in the area check out website links
Access from our campground to kilometers of unmarked trails located within Chisholm and Bolter Townships.
Walking Trails
Discovery Routes - hiking and biking trails - www.discoveryroutes.ca
Pine Interpretive trail - 15 min. away - Powassan
Cranberry Trail - 20 min. away - Callander
Laurier Woods - 30 min. away - North Bay
Duchesnay Falls - North Bay - 30 min. away - www.gowaterfalling.com/waterfalls/duchesnay.shtml
Clear Springs Golf Course www.clearspringsgolf.com
890 Golf Course Road, Chisholm, ON 705-724-5735 just 5 minutes
High View Golf Course www.highviewgolf.ca
60 Golf Course Line, Powassan, ON 705-724-5230 just 20 minutes
Osprey Links Golf Course www.ospreylinksgolf.com
206 Osprey Cr., Callander, ON 705-752-5225 just 20 minutes
Horseback Rides, Boarding Stables, Hay Rides
VonDoeler’s Ranch (trail rides) www.vondoelersranch.com
1286 Von Doeler Rd, Calvin, ON 705-477-6655
Paradise Stables (trail rides) www.paradisestablesgetaway.webs.com
661 Boundary Road, Rutherglen, ON 705-492-0515
Eastwood Farm (boarding & Lessons)
1604 Memorial Park Dr., Chisholm, ON 705-724-1579
Hidden Meadow (boarding & Lessons)
578 Alderdale Road, Astorville, ON 705-724-6041
Village Clydesdales (horse drawn events)
2103 Village Road, Astorville, ON 705-752-5499
Fresh Mart & LCBO, Gas
1468 Village Road, Astorville, ON 705-752-1930 just 10 minutes away
Chisholm Country Market & Feed
1497 Alderdale, Chisholm, ON 705-724-1497
519 Main Street, Powassan,ON 705-724-2917 just 15 minutes away
Farmers Markets
North Bay Farmers Market located in North Bay on Oak Street (between Ferguson Street & Wyld Street) Saturdays 8:30 am to 2:00 pm and Wednesdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Powassan Farmers Market located in Powassan on Main Street (next to the Beer Store) Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00 pm